Dear Parents,

DSCF1559Valentine’s Day was full of fun. We enjoyed our parents’ presence in our classes. Our children enjoyed exchanging cards with each other. Pre-K and Kindergarten parents helped their children complete an art project. It was a wonderful day.
Our field trip was to BESA library. I was proud of my well-behaved children! Ms. Ann Kardas read to our children. Thank you Ms. Ann.
We had so much fun in the Dr. Seuss Birthday. We read books and made tons of projects to remember Dr. Seuss.


 Please remember to label all your child’s clothing and indoor shoes to prevent any confusion.
 We take our children outside twice a day. Please send your child with appropriate clothing (warm coat, hat, mittens and scarf).
 You will find a “Donation Box” at the entrance. Please bring unused items such as clothes, toys, etc. We would like to teach our children the importance of sharing.
 March 4: Dr. Seuss’ Birthday
 March 13: Wear Your Best Costume Day
 March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
 March 27: Math Day
 March 27: Green DayDSCF1594
 March 31: Earth Day


Word Book Week
World Math Day
St.Patrick’s Day
Earth Day
Donation & Recycle
Color of the month; Green


Hazel Savas March 2
Lara Maria Saparova March 7
Adrian Gulyesil March 30

Happy Birthday to you all!!

Have a nice week.


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