Our Goals

Love, Learning, Laughter

•To help your child learn to make friends and be a friend.

•To provide a positive, safe learning environment for your child that will help him/her learn letters, numbers, colors, shapes, days, months, etc. according to their age level.

•To assess the level of your child academic,emotional, physical and social skills and to help him/her develop as effectively as possible in these areas.

•To provide a learning environment rich in language. The classroom environment and expriences will include books, tapes, poetry, chants and songs. Weekly themes will be the vehicles to develop specific vocabulary and language.

•To provide concrete math explorations in order to develop counting, sequencing, estimating, graphing and problem solving skills.

•To provide exprience in which the child explores his/her world from social and scientific outlook.

•To provide outdoor expriences which will develop large motor skills and indoor expriences which will develop fine motor skills.