999Dear Parents,

Teddy Bear Picnic was wonderful. Our children had so much fun while we celebrated learning another good manner “Sharing”. I would like to thank all of our parents for the treats, cookies and delicious cakes.

We visited Mrs. Feryal Sehirlioglu at Music4Kids and had a wonderful experience. Our children played musical instruments, danced, and played with paraschute and ribbons. Thank you Mrs. Sehirlioglu for this experience. 888

On February 12, we will celebrate the Valentine’s Day. Our children will have a Valentine’s Day Party in their classrooms. Please help your child prepare a Valentine’s Card for all of his/her classmates. This year we would like to invite our parents to join our Valentine’s Day Class Party.

777We will talk about careers in February. Our children would

love to meet doctors, engineers,

dancers, architects, basketball players, and all, therefore your contribution is important for us. Please inform the office if you would like to come and tell us about your job. Our children are so proud when they see their parents at school.


  •  Please remember to label all your child’s clothing and indoor shoes to prevent any confusion.
  •  We take our children outside twice a day. Please send your child with appropriate clothing (warm coat, hat, mittens and scarf).
  •  You will find a “Donation Box” at the entrance. Please bring unused items such as clothes, toys, etc. We would like to teach our children the importance of sharing.
  •  If the government decides to close the schools on snowy days, we will be closed as well. Please check our website regularly, www.preschooltr.com  for announcements.
  •  February 12: Valentine’s Day Class Party (Parents are invited)
  •  February 26: Pink Day
  •  February 26: 100th day of school (Pre-K & KG)


Valentine’s Day

Meet the parents at work

Donation & Recycle

Color of the month; Pink


Zeyno Ada Gunduz February 7

Neris Ulusan February 18

Freyja Lif Olafsdottis February 20

Neo Malefane February 28

Happy Birthday to you all!!

Have a nice weekend


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