111111111Dear Parents,

Valentine’s Day was full of fun. We enjoyed our parents’ presence in our classes. Our children enjoyed exchanging cards with each other. Pre-K and Kindergarten parents helped their children complete an art project.

Pre-K & KG students celebrated the 100th day of school. They brought 100 items and had so much fun while they did projects with them.
It was a very busy month for the International Preschool and Kindergarten.
Many thanks to our parents who took time out of their busy schedules and presented their jobs and told us about their careers both at school and at their own offices. If in the future, they, our children, choose to be doctors, veterinarians, dentists, scientists, engineers, football players, musicians, lawyers, teachers, etc. who knows, maybe you will have had a hand in it?
Mr. Olaffson (Viktor and Frejya’s father), who is a football player, visited us and played with our children. I am sure we have lots of enthusiastic football players. Thank you Mr. Olaffson.
Mrs. Ayse Gunduz (Zeyno’s mother), who is a lawyer, visited us. Mrs. Gunduz solved an accident case. The verdict was not to drive our Little Tikes cars for one day. We all enjoyed this drama session. Thank you Mrs. Gunduz.
Mrs. Ahaduzzaman (Sheikh’s mother), who is a teacher introduced us how teachers work and asked questions. It was nice to see a different teacher at the school. Thank you Mrs. Ahaduzzaman.

33333333333333Ms. Begum (Toprak’s parents’ friend), who is a veterinary build a vet hospital at the Preschool. Our children helped her diagnose and treat the animals. We had so much fun. I am sure there are a lot of prospective vets among us. Thank you Toprak’s parents.4444444
Mr. Matthijssen (Henry’s father), who is a website designer, visited us and explained how we can find Starwars characters on the internet. Our children enjoyed exchanging the cards and were impressed by the things that we can find online. Thank you Mr. Matthijssen.
Camille’s mother, Mrs. Herculin, is a French teacher. She taught us some French words, numbers, songs, etc. It was nice to hear a different language at the Preschool. Thank you Mrs. Herculin.

 You will find a “Donation Box” at the entrance. Please bring unused items such as clothes, toys, etc. We would like to teach our children the importance of sharing.
 March 3: Dr. Seuss Birthday
 March 4: Wear Your Best Costume Day
 March 11: World Math Day
 March 17: St. Patrick’s Day-Green Day
 March 23: Easter Egg Hunt
 March 28-April 1: Spring Break (No school)

Word Book Week
World Math Day
St.Patrick’s Day
Easter-Egg Hunt
Donation & Recycle
Color of the month; Green

Hazel Savas March 2
Marie Louise Van Roemburg March 20
Viktor Olaffson March 27
Ean Gross-La Valle March 27
Efe Efecınar March 29

Happy Birthday to you all!! Have a wonderful week

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